Terms of Use
General use services

1. Use of our services

These Terms of Use define the terms and conditions of provision of the Service and the rights and obligations between the Company and the customer. You must read these Terms of Use in their entirety and agree to them before using the Service.

2. Warranties and changes in service offerings

The Company does not guarantee that the contents of the service provided will be free from defects or bugs. The Company reserves the right to change the contents or specifications of the service, or to suspend or discontinue providing the service, without prior notice to the customer.

3. Restrictions on use of services

The Company may impose conditions on the use of the service, such as limiting the use of the service to those who have registered their IDs, or limiting the use of the service to only those customers who meet certain requirements through procedures such as identity verification as determined by the Company. In addition, the Company does not permit use of the Service by members (including former members) of antisocial forces or their related parties, or by customers who misuse the Service or cause trouble to third parties.

4. ID Registration Information

When you register your ID, it is your obligation (1) to register true and accurate information and (2) to correct the registered information by yourself from time to time to keep it up-to-date.

5. Customer Responsibility for IDs and Passwords, etc

When a customer logs in using the prescribed authentication method that identifies the customer, the Company will assume that the customer himself/herself is using the service.

6. Terms of Service Compliance

When using our services, the following acts (including acts that may induce or prepare for such acts) are prohibited.

  1. Violation of the laws and regulations of the country or region where the customer is located at the time of use
  2. Any action that destroys or interferes with the functionality of software, hardware, etc. used by other customers
  3. Any action that destroys or interferes with the functionality of our servers or network
  4. Interfere with our services, advertisements distributed by us, or services or advertisements provided on our site
  5. Using the service for a purpose that is different from the original purpose of providing the service in light of the purpose of providing the service.
  6. Use of the Service by using another customer's ID
  7. Obtaining IDs or passwords from others, or disclosing or providing IDs or passwords to others, by any means whatsoever
  8. Providing benefits directly or indirectly to antisocial forces in relation to our services
  9. Other activities that the Company deems inappropriate.

7. Prohibition of reuse of our services

If you use our services or the data that comprises them for purposes other than the provision of those services, we reserve the right to stop you from doing so and to claim an amount equivalent to the profit you have made from those actions.

8. Suspension of this service, etc.

We reserve the right to suspend or discontinue all or part of the Service without prior notice to registered users in any of the following cases

  1. In case of urgent inspection or maintenance of the computer system related to this service
  2. In the event that this service cannot be operated due to computer or communication line failures, mishandling, excessive concentration of access, unauthorized access, hacking, etc.
  3. In the event that this service cannot be operated due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning, fire, windstorm, flood, power outage, natural disaster, etc.
  4. In any other cases where we deem it necessary to suspend or discontinue the service.

9. Compensation to us

In the event that the Company incurs expenses or pays compensation or other compensation to the Company in connection with a claim or other matter arising out of your conduct, you shall be responsible for any expenses or compensation or other matter paid by the Company (including attorney's fees paid by the Company).

10. Advertisements

The Company may place advertisements of the Company or third parties who have requested the Company to place such advertisements on the services and software provided by the Company.

11. Deletion of Postings, etc., Suspension of Service, and Deletion of ID

In order to ensure the proper operation of the services provided, we reserve the right to refuse the use of all or part of the services or to delete your ID without prior notice in the following cases. In addition, if you have registered multiple IDs, we may take actions against all of them.

  1. If we determine that you have violated or are likely to violate any of the provisions of these Terms of Us
  2. In the event of a delay in payment of any amount owed to the Company
  3. If the use of the credit card or bank account designated as the means of payment is suspended
  4. When we determine that the customer's credit is insecure, such as when the customer files a petition for bankruptcy or civil rehabilitation proceedings or files such a petition by the customer himself/herself.
  5. If your ID is registered or used by antisocial forces or their members or related parties, or if we determine that there is a possibility of such registration or use.
  6. You have not used your ID or a particular service for a period of time
  7. In other cases where we deem it difficult to maintain the contractual relationship between us and the customer, such as when the relationship of trust between us and the customer is lost.

12. Disclaimer

  1. We make no warranty, express or implied, that the Service will be suitable for your particular purpose, that it will have the expected functionality, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, that your use of the Service will comply with applicable laws, regulations, or internal rules of any industry organization, that the Service will be continuously available, or that defects will not occur, No warranty, express or implied, is given as to the conformity of your use of the Service with applicable laws, regulations, or internal rules of any industry organization, the continued availability of the Service, or the absence of defects.
  2. The Company's liability for default shall be exempted if such default is not caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence. In the event that a contract with a customer regarding the use of the Company's services under the TOS constitutes a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act, the above exclusion of liability shall not apply, and the Company shall be liable for damages within the scope of damages that could normally arise, except in the case of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the Company, and in the case of paid services, the Company shall be liable for damages up to the amount of the price (equivalent to 6 months in the case of continuous services).

13. Individual Service Guidelines

Certain of our paid services have service-specific terms of use. If there is any discrepancy between the basic guidelines set forth in these Terms of Use and the terms of use specific to a paid service, the terms of use specific to that service shall take precedence with respect to such service, unless otherwise specified.

14. Changes of the Terms of Use

The Company may change these Terms of Use as it deems necessary. In such cases, the Company shall post the revised Terms of Use on its website or by other appropriate means to publicize the revised Terms of Use, the content of the revised Terms of Use, and the effective date of the revised Terms of Use.

15. Notification or contact

If a customer wishes to contact the Company, the customer shall do so through the inquiry page established by the Company or by e-mail to the e-mail address designated by the Company. In principle, the Company will respond to inquiries from customers only by e-mail.

16. Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations

You may not assign your contractual status or any rights or obligations arising therefrom, in whole or in part, to any third party without our prior written consent with respect to all agreements under these Terms of Use.

17. Governing law, jurisdiction

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive first instance jurisdiction over any disputes arising out of or in connection with the Company's services (including posted contents and advertisements) and software.

18. Restrictions on the Application of the Terms of Use

If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be contrary to the relevant laws and regulations applicable to the contract with the Customer under these Terms of Use, such provision shall to that extent not apply to the contract with such Customer. However, this shall not affect the validity of any other provision of these Terms of Use.

Last Revision Date:April 1, 2024

Copyright © 2022 Fairvalue Labo.