Real Estate
Value Assessment – Appraisal –

ー  DX the real estate appraisal
business thoroughly and
make the real estate market fair.

Strengths of Fairvalue Labo,

ー  Bringing Japanese valuation
closer to international standards

・Prepare evaluation reports based on global standards and tailored to client needs

・Uses the same format as the internationally most standardized appraisal report

・Appraisal reports based on international valuation standards (USPAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as well as Japanese appraisal standards

・In the DCF method, rent fluctuation forecasts are analyzed using the renewal probability approach.

Our members, who have a diverse range of practical experience, bring their knowledge and experience to the Japanese real estate business and provide services that are meaningful to society.

Although Japanese real estate valuation standards are clearly stipulated in the USPAP, they are not yet considered to meet global standards by overseas real estate investors.

In order to gain the trust of the global market, we believe that globalization of real estate valuation is inevitable, just as accounting standards have become globalized.

By providing real estate appraisal reports based on international standards that satisfy overseas investors and financial institutions, we believe we can further enhance the reliability of Japanese appraisals and, by extension, prove the validity of Japanese real estate price indexes.

In addition, we intend to thoroughly DX the valuation process using generative AI, which until now has relied heavily on the experience of the person in charge of the work.

In the future, we aim to make real estate valuation a social infrastructure so that more people can understand the fair value of real estate.

Copyright © 2022 Fairvalue Labo.