Real estate appraisers, like lawyers and certified public accountants, are highly specialized national qualifications, and are the only nationally recognized experts in real estate valuation. We are committed to enhancing the transparency of the real estate market.
Data provided
Information on real estate prices traded in the market・
Information on rents and yields of properties・
Daily real estate market value and tax informationService provided
and real estate under consideration for purchase
Preparation of individual property appraisals・
Expert support during transactions and financing“Elimination of Information Gap" (Phases 1 and 2 below) will add more information needed by users to, which was released in October 2023, and
will be provided in a timely manner.
“Elimination of Knowledge Gap" (Phase 3 below) Appraisers and staff of experts with a wide range of knowledge will provide services beyond the scope of
conventional appraisal services.

(* Value-map will be merged with in 2023)
ー Real estate valuation
to global standards ー
Our members, who have a diverse range of practical experience, bring their knowledge and experience to the Japanese real estate valuation business and provide services that are meaningful to society and the public.
Although Japanese real estate valuation standards are clearly defined based on the U.S. valuation standards (USPAP), they are not yet considered to meet global standards by overseas real estate investors.
In order to gain the trust of the global market, we believe that globalization of real estate valuation is inevitable, just as accounting standards have become globalized.
By providing real estate appraisal reports based on international standards that are acceptable to overseas investors and financial institutions, we hope to further enhance the
reliability of Japanese appraisals and thereby prove the validity of Japanese real estate indices.
We would also like to thoroughly promote DX of valuation operations using generative AI, instead of relying on the experience of the person in charge.
In the future, we aim to create a social infrastructure for real estate valuation so that more people can understand the fair value of real estate.
World-class appraisals that meet the needs of foreign investors
market data
Primary information collected from as well as MLIT data
Final judgment by three or more appraisers based on a basic valuation by AI
Support beyond the traditional scope of appraiser services
Company Outline
- Company Name
- Fair Value Labo. Inc.
- Business
- ・Real Estate Appraisal ・WEB Service for real estate
- Progress
- March 30 2022 Founding (Nara) February 2 2024 Incorporation (Tokyo)
- Founder
- Takahiro Okuda (Real estate appraiser)
- Lawyer (Advisor)
- Yoshiaki Masutani
- Office Location
- 〒100-0005
Nippon Seimei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, 1-1-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo