Privacy Policy

We recognize the importance of information related to the privacy of our customers, business partners, and others (hereinafter referred to as "customers, etc." in this chapter), and have established the following basic policy (Privacy Policy) for handling such information accurately and in good faith, and will manage such information in strict confidence

We recognize the importance of information related to the privacy of our customers, business partners, and others (hereinafter referred to as "customers, etc." in this chapter), and have established the following basic policy (Privacy Policy) for handling such information accurately and in good faith, and will manage such information in strict confidence

1. Acquisition of personal data

We will acquire personal data in the following cases by legal and fair methods. In addition, when acquiring personal data, we will notify or publicly announce in advance the purpose of use (including public announcement of the purpose of use in accordance with the following Article).

  1. When a customer enters information through terminal operations
  2. When we receive information directly from our customers or through other media such as written documents
  3. When automatically sent as a result of your use or browsing of services, products, advertisements, or content (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Services, etc.").
  4. In addition to the above, when legally obtaining the information, such as when the information is provided by a third party with the consent of the customer, etc.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Data

We will use personal data obtained only for the following purposes, or for the purposes individually notified to customers, etc. or publicly announced in individual services, etc., and will not use it for any purposes other than those listed below. In addition, we will take measures to ensure that personal data will not be used for any other purposes.

  1. To respond to inquiries from customer
  2. To bill for payment
  3. To inform customers, etc. about the services, etc. of our company and its partners
  4. To ensure the safe provision of our services, etc. This includes detecting and notifying customers who are violating the Terms of Use, and investigating, detecting, preventing, and responding to fraud, unauthorized access, and other abuses of our services.
  5. To improve our services, etc. and to consider our new services, etc.
  6. To research and analyze the usage of our services, etc.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if we receive personal data from a third party and there is a separate stipulation regarding the purpose of use of such personal data, we will use such personal data in accordance with such stipulation.

3. Consent to provide personal data

  1. When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, when it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by one in executing affairs prescribed by law, and obtaining the user's consent would interfere with the execution of such affairs, or when permitted by law. In addition, we will provide personal data to third parties such as partners when we have obtained the consent of the user, etc., except when permitted by law or when there is a risk of interfering with the execution of such duties by obtaining the user's consent. However, in the following cases, we will provide personal data to third parties to the extent necessary, after excluding information that directly identifies a specific individual, such as name and address
    • When necessary for the provision of our services, etc. (including when necessary for advertising and promotional activities related to our services, etc.)
    • When necessary to improve the quality of our services, etc.
    • When necessary for the consideration of our new services, etc.
    • When provided to research institutions for surveys, research, or analysis
  2. If separate terms and conditions have been contracted for individual services, those terms and conditions shall take precedence over the contract.

4. Security

  1. We handle personal data appropriately in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law and this Privacy Policy. In addition, in order to prevent inappropriate handling such as use for other purposes, we will implement the following security control measures to ensure the safety of Personal Data and the information systems that process Personal Data.
    • Establish a person responsible for the handling of personal data
    • Clarify the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled by such employees, and establish a system for reporting to the person in charge in the event that a fact or indication of a violation of the Personal Information Protection Law or internal regulations on the handling of personal data is detected.
    • Provide regular training to employees on points to keep in mind regarding the handling of personal data.
    • In areas where personal data is handled, control employee access to rooms and limit the equipment they bring in, and implement measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
    • Implement access control to limit the scope of personnel in charge and the personal information databases, etc. handled.
    When we outsource the handling of personal data to third parties, we outsource it to parties that meet our standards for selecting outsourcing partners, and we enter into a contract with the outsourcing partner to appropriately manage the outsourcing partner's operations. In addition, we provide personal data only to third parties that have security control measures in place that meet our standards.
  2. In the event of an incident such as a leakage of personal data, we will report the incident to the regulatory authorities in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law and related guidelines, and take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring or recurring, in accordance with the instructions of the relevant regulatory authorities.
  3. For questions, concerns, or other inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us online using our contact form.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information

We will collect personal information (limited to cases where it falls under the category of retained personal data under the Personal Information Protection Law) from our customers, etc. in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law. The same shall apply hereinafter) in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law. When we receive a request for disclosure of personal information (limited to personal information that falls under the category of retained personal data under the Personal Information Protection Law) from a customer, etc., in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, we will confirm that the request is made by the customer, etc., and will disclose the personal information without delay. (If such personal information does not exist, we will notify the customer, etc. to that effect. However, this does not apply to cases in which we are not obligated to disclose the information under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and regulations. Please note that a fee (1,000 yen per case) will be charged for the disclosure of personal information.

6. Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal Information

  1. If a customer, etc. requests (1) correction of the content of personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law because the personal information is not true, or (2) suspension of use of personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law because the information is handled beyond the scope of the purpose of use publicized in advance or because the information was collected through deception or other wrongful means, we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay after confirming that the request is made by the customer, etc. If a customer requests the suspension of use of his/her personal information in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay after confirming that the request is made by the customer, etc. Based on the results of the investigation, we will correct the content of the personal information or suspend its use, and notify the customer, etc. to that effect. If we decide not to correct or suspend the use of the personal information, we will notify the customer to that effect.
  2. If a customer, etc. requests that we erase his/her personal information, and we deem it necessary to comply with the request, we will erase the personal information after confirming that the request is made by the customer, etc. and notify the customer, etc. to that effect.
  3. The provisions of 1 and 2 do not apply to cases in which we are not obligated to make corrections, etc. or suspend use, etc. under the Personal Information Protection Law or other laws and ordinances.

7. Contact for Inquiries

Please direct any comments, questions, complaints, or other inquiries regarding the handling of user information to the following contact.

Address: Nippon Seimei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, 1-1-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
Fairvalue Labo, Inc.
Contact for personal information handling Takahiro Okuda

8. Privacy Policy Modification Procedures

We will change this policy as necessary. However, in the event that we modify this Policy in a manner that requires the consent of customers, etc. under laws and regulations, the modified Policy shall apply only to customers, etc. who have consented to the modification in a manner prescribed by us. In the event that we changes this Policy, the Company shall make known the effective date and content of the changed Policy by displaying the revised Policy on our website or by other appropriate means, or shall notify to us, etc.

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