Recruitment information

Although Japanese real estate appraisals are based on USPAP in the United States, they have yet to catch up with global standards. Just as accounting has become globalized, the era in which international standards are required for real estate valuation is just around the corner.

We, as a pure real estate valuation company, would like to prepare valuation reports that meet global standards, thoroughly DX the appraisal process, and provide the opportunity for those who are considered to be informationally vulnerable (mainly individuals) to obtain economic benefits from the appraisal reports.

In addition, we will systematize all tedious tasks that are not personal skills and experience, and create an environment that allows individuals to develop their professional skills.

Although there is an aspect of a secure job protected by national certification, we would like to create an environment where individuals can continuously challenge themselves by creating unprecedented innovation and providing the market with something extra.

Job Categories​

If you are interested, please contact us at the e-mail address below. ​
A recruiter will contact you.​​
Fairvalue Labo, Inc.

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